
Unsolicited feedback from participants who attended Harrison’s workshops and sessions…
“Thank you for such a good workshop. I enjoyed the exercises we did and learned an entirely new technique – something you can not often say about an experience when you’ve been around for a long time!
“Thanks so much for introducing us to Constellation work. It was good to actually walk away with some insights. It’s impressive stuff and your facilitation was superb.”
“Thanks for the really great gift with my work last night!! The process really seemed to click for me and now I am enjoying a renewed sense of possibility and focus.”
“Really got a lot out of the session, and look forward to learning more….”
“ Harrison, you do very powerful work”
“I can only warmly recommend the experience!”
“Congratulations on using the family constellations process so well to open my friend’s heart and eyes – he was still buzzing when I dropped him off at Metro and very impressed with the insights that he had received.”
“I really appreciate your so generously sharing your expertise with us. It is amazing to me that people – who don’t know each other, and with very little information – can use this process and actually discover what’ s not working in a situation – something that too often does not happen after eons of analysis! I enjoyed meeting everyone and I had a good time too!”
“Thank you so much for yesterday’s program and work with me. That was so valuable and insightful. Processing it from a felt-sense continues to elicit insights and guide my next steps.”
“The last exercise with the organizational issues did demonstrate well how it can be used in organizations. I especially liked that the consultant was part of it – as consultants, it’s rare we get feedback on how we are doing from our own peers – that I found very valuable.”
“Wow, Harrison, nicely done.”
“I want to especially thank you for conducting the constellation with me. I thought you handled it very skillfully, and I gained a number of valuable insights.”
“Thanks again for the workshop on Saturday. I really appreciate it. I got a lot out of it. It was very powerful for me. I do feel shifted. Am hoping that strengthens and continues as I integrate things.”
“Your knowledge and experience really comes through. You listen very well, and I especially loved the way you respond to questions and tailor your presentation to the audience. Your skill shows, as does your spirit and presence.
“I liked everything (at the workshop) very much, the facilitation, the participation of all the members, the exercises, and even the discussion at the Bombay Bistro (over lunch).”
“After our session, I felt a warmth and comfort running through my entire body. I made myself think of the angry people we worked with (during our session) and my response was not anger or upset, it was that I have my own space and I don’t have to share it with them. It seems so very peaceful.”
“Thank you so very much for an amazing day. Words can’t describe the affects of your gifts to my kids and staff. The kids were so receptive to the experience and I sincerely believe each of them will benefit from it. Afterwards, a few played ball, while others huddled in groups and continued to express their emotions. The kid who would not give his name in the beginning, sat quietly then walked the labyrinth. There’s so much healing to do and I am ever grateful that you lovingly shared your time and experience with us.”
“Thank you for being an inspiration. I was prompted by your demonstration of Constellation Work….that work really gives space to complex ideas and allows for full exploration of possibilities. I took many of the concepts you presented and make them my own, in doing so designing a creative and successful session for one of my clients.”
“…thank you for the wonderful workshop. This is good stuff, and I know I benefitted from the experience, which will continue to unfold in coming days/weeks/months, perhaps years!”
“Thank you for a marvelous workshop. I am just blown away from the effect it has had on me and my abilities to work. This process has really removed the block from my emotional baggage and I can now use my full range of thinking and feeling. This is just wonderful.”
“The experience was very powerful…it changed my whole approach to the situation (a business challenge) and to my work!”
” Glad to see you are keeping up the good work with constellations.
“Your insights for me personally last time I saw you, at the OD/ISD SIG, (where a constellation was conducted) have been very helpful.
” Thank you for last Friday’s workshop. It was one of the most powerful constellations and breakthroughs (for me) since I’ve been doing this work since 2002.
“I am still spinning and smiling from our session. Thank you again so much for your wisdom, talent and assistance in creating vision and movement.
“Just wanted say thank you for last night’s workshop. Doing that first exercise lead to quite a large breakthrough for me this morning as I realized how to take that realignment of the kryptonite and make it an asset and resource.
“Thank YOU for your leadership in providing a platform to learn so much in such a short time. I wish I had a video of it so I could remember everything that was so enlightening.
” Harrison, Thank you for last Friday’s workshop. It was one of the most powerful constellations and breakthroughs (for me) since I’ve been doing this work since 2002. I’ve appreciated every step in the journey that has helped me understand, embrace, release/keep what’s appropriate.
“The way I describe the work is both feelings and knowledge come into my consciousness when I am a representative. I remember the first time I experienced the work. I was fortunate the instructor(s) cautioned not to act out or share unless/until the facilitator “open the door.” Even if/when we “knew all” it was not in service to the client to share w/out guidance. The work is sacred; respect and revere.
“I sincerely appreciate your gifts of time and talents to share the work and help explain the Hellinger work to a broader audience. Without prior experience, I understand how those new to the work are working in a vacuum. Your efforts are shrinking that vacuum and expanding an awareness. Thanks and I hope I can attend the next event.
“I just wanted to thank you SO much for an incredible experience.
“I was coming to learn a tool (which I thrilled to observe and begin understanding); what I wasn’t expecting was such a powerful impact on me personally! It was also extremely moving to witness and participate in others’ process. Wow!”
“It’s clear you are highly skilled at what you do. Your style was open, respectful, and firmly grounded. I deeply appreciated your flexibility with my constellation.
“I was delighted with the process that you got us going on…in one way, was just a bit perfectly indirect, but in another allowed you to go directly to the question at the heart of the whole thing…I appreciated it in a whole new way tonight.”
“I have to tell you, every time I watch your work, I am more amazed by the impact you make on groups and individuals. I love how unassuming and ego-less you are about the whole thing and the space you create for others creates magic.“
” Thanks Harrison. It is always a pleasure to be in the presence of your energy and you are such a great teacher. It was a very powerful experience and I’m glad I had the opportunity to witness as a participant and observer. My spirit certainly felt lighter on the drive home.”